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WIN NFT HORSE & HERO Linkage Instructions

Fri Oct 14 2022

Linkage exchange 1: Exchange horses for HERO mystery boxes


Time: Unlimited


WIN NFT HORSE players can exchange their free horses for HERO NFTs through the transfer function in the marketplace.


Players can exchange "3 horses of any bloodline" for "1 hero mystery box" in unlimited amounts.



1. Players must transfer the horses to the official wallet in the marketplace to get the hero mystery box.

2. Official wallet (horses in the TRON marketplace are presented to the TRON wallet, and horses in the BSC marketplace are presented to the BSC wallet).





BSC: 0xc8CDBaEfe2Ae4654ff08dE40e7FE8CeA1893d59d


3. It takes 3 horses to exchange for 1 hero mystery box. Horses with fewer or more turns will not be refunded.

4. The system will count the exchange data of the previous week every Monday, and distribute the HERO mystery box to the same WIN NFT HERO account as the WIN NFT HORSE account every Monday, please pay attention to check it.


Linkage Exchange 2: Exchange HERO mystery box in the marketplace


Time: Unlimited


Players can directly exchange HOS for "WIN NFT HERO mystery box". "WIN NFT HERO mystery box" is divided into two types: Hero mystery box and Equipment mystery box, 500M HOS is required to exchange the mystery box..



1. Exchange address:


2. The system will count the exchange data of the previous week every Monday, and distribute the HERO mystery box to the same WIN NFT HERO account as the WIN NFT HORSE account every Monday, please pay attention to check.

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