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Linkage Activity v3.0: Horse Transfer Instructions

Fri Sep 30 2022

To participate in the "Exchange horse for HERO Mystery Boxes" activity, you must use the "transfer" function of the WIN NFT HORSE marketplace to exchange for HERO Mystery Boxes.Here are the step-by-step instructions for transferring:

Step 1: Go to the WIN NFT HORSE marketplace, log in to your account and bound wallet, then click on "INVENTORY".

Step 2: Select a horse on the "inventory" page and click "horse" to open the details page.

Step 3: Horse details page: click the “present as a gift” button.

Step 4: Transfer interface: enter the "official wallet address" and click the “gift” button.


1.After transfer successfully, you can receive HERO Hero Mystery Box next day.

2.Horse of TRON marketplace is gifted to TRON wallet, horse of BSC marketplace is gifted to BSC wallet).

TRON: TJ3kEUovSjYDrTemmw4oFWN1YsYnfg5RAk


3.The number of horses gifted daily should not exceed the number required for exchange, and the extra horses gifted will not be refunded.

4.Please contact customer service for any questions about the content of the activity.

5.Receive HERO Mystery Box

After logging in to the HERO Marketplace, please use the "wallet address of the gifted horse" to log in to your account.

After logging in, you will be prompted to set a password for your HERO account and then enter the user center to view the HERO Mystery Box.

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